Pipeline overview

The purposes of a pipeline are to:

  • make explicit the high-level logic that achieves some goal
  • connect the pipeline logic to the intermediate and final data produced

In much the same way as a make file, a flex pipeline consists of two parts:

  • tasks - these perform coherent chunks of work. In this regard, tasks are

    very much the heart of the flex pipeline. In a departure from make, flex tasks themselves consist of blocks which are small language-specific units of work. For more details on this, see Declaring an abstract pipeline.

  • global definitions - while the tasks are the heart of flex, some

    additional configurations are needed in order to make tasks easier to write and make connections between the pipeline and other pipelines. As a result, a flex pipeline starts with a global section, which allows for the definition of variables as well as for the specification of pipeline configurations and connections. For more details on this, see Comments.

In order to motivate the design of a pipeline, here we’ll discuss two important attributes that many (most?) pipelines will have:

  • they produce data
  • they conceptually depend on pipelines (in a variety of ways)

These are discussed in the following subsections.

Data Namespacing

In order to ensure that data produced by the pipeline is always linkable to it, the pipeline maintains a namespace on the filesystem which a pipeline can easily add files to. The namespace can be one of two things:

  • a prefix that is added to any given filename. By default the prefix would

    be the name of the pipeline. So if the pipeline clean_census_info had a task which added the file census.tsv to the pipeline namespace, the file would actually be named clean_census_info_census.tsv on disk.

  • a directory into which all files in the namespace are added. By default the

    directory name is <pipeline_name>_data. So, given the situation above with clean_census_info, census.tsv would be written to clean_census_info_data/census.tsv.

The namespacing behavior can be configured in the global section, see Configuring data prefixing.

Dependencies on other pipelines

A pipeline can depend on other pipelines in two different ways.

The first and most mundane is when the tasks in one pipeline depend on the tasks in another pipeline. One can imagine that this second pipeline is using the first pipeline in order to build a bigger “mega” pipeline (that consists of both of them). This crops up a lot in even small-scale projects. One pipeline might deal with data download and curation, another with pre-processing data, and a third with training models or doing analysis. Each phase could be put in a separate pipeline, but they would all use one another.

The second and more subtle kind of dependency is when one pipeline is basically a modification of another pipeline. For example, suppose we want to run the same analysis using different thresholds: it’s the same analysis running on the same data - with just one or two parameters set differently. Rather than duplicating all the code for the pipeline, we can create a second pipeline that extends the first one, just setting some specific variables to different values.

For details on these, see Declaring dependencies.


Thoroughly commenting pipelines is an important part of making them readable and maintainable. Within a flex pipeline, a comment is always one line long: beginning with a # symbol and continuing to the end of the line.

The global section

The global section permits the specification of configurations and variables that will affect and be available to all tasks in the pipeline.

Declaring variables

Note that here we offer a detailed discussion of variables within the context of the global section. For more information on variables and functions in general, see Variable and function references.

In keeping with UNIX shell syntax, variables are set using the syntax:

set <var_name>=<var_value>

Throughout a pipeline, the $ character denotes a variable or function reference.

Configuring data prefixing

The flex system provides an easy way to create and access files and directories within the pipelines namespace. The namespace can be either a file prefix name or a directory (see Data Namespacing for details). The prefix command is used to configure this option for a given pipeline.

The general syntax for this command is:

prefix file/dir [prefix_path]

if prefix_path is omitted, then the following defaults are used:

  • <pipeline name> for file prefixes
  • <pipeline name>_data for dir prefixes

Here are some examples:

  • to set the prefix to be the default file prefix, use prefix file

  • to set the prefix to the file prefix foobar, use prefix file foobar

  • to set the prefix to the default directory prefix, use prefix dir

  • to set the prefix to the data directory above the pipeline’s

    containing directory, use prefix dir ../data

Connecting other pipelines

The tasks in a single pipeline may comprise only one portion of an entire workflow. Supposing that we have a pipeline phase1 with task t1, we can connect it into another pipeline using the use keyword in the global section.

use phase1

p2_task: phase1.t1
        # task stuff goes here

The use keyword also allows easier or more readable aliases to be defined:

use phase1 as p1

p2_task: p1.t1
        # task stuff goes here

Inheriting another pipeline

In some cases, a pipeline will be a specialization of another pipeline - it will need to use the same tasks, but perhaps define constants or parameters differently. This can often arise in machine learning contexts - different pipelines might invoke the same classifier, only with different parameters.

One way to achieve this without duplicating large sections of code is to write the shared code (tasks and variables) into one pipeline and have all the related pipelines inherit that pipeline using the extend keyword.

For example, suppose that we have a pipeline named ml_master which declares two tasks train and classify that use the value of the variable GRID_SIZE to build and run the classifier.

We could build a pipeline ml_0.5 that inherits the behavior of ml_master, but with a specific choice of GRID_SIZE:

extend ml_master

set GRID_SIZE=0.5

Declaring an abstract pipeline

Pipelines that are meant to be extended, might not be meant to be run. This can be explicitly declared by giving the pipeline the .afx (abstract flex) file suffix. A pipeline declared in this way cannot be run (but any pipelines that extend it can).

The tasks section

Tasks form the heart of a pipeline: they contain the logical steps that perform actions. A single task should correspond to some meaningful and self-contained unit of work.

The structure of a task

Since flex is entirely concerned with capturing computational workflows, tasks contain code in executable units called blocks. In order to link tasks to one another, a task can depend on one or more other tasks (called its dependencies).

A task has the following structure:

<task_name>: [<dep1> <dep2> ...]

As a simple example, here is a task named hworld that simply prints “Hello” followed by “world” on two separate lines:

hworld: other_task
                echo \$MSG
                msg = 'world'
                print msg

The task depends on another task named other_task. In order to print the results, it uses two code blocks - one containing a shell script and one containing a python script. The details of the syntax here will be discussed in the following section.

Declaring dependencies

A dependency is another task. To declare a dependency, simply put the task name in the task declaration line after the colon:

# first_pipeline

                echo 'first'

second: first
                echo 'second'

In the example above, the task second has one dependency: first.

In situations where a pipeline has been included with the use keyword, tasks in the included pipeline can be dependencies. To do this, use <pipeline_name>.<task_name> to refer to the task. If an alias was given for the pipeline, then the alias must be used:

use first_pipeline as fp

third: fp.second
                echo 'third'

Declaring blocks

A block corresponds to a unit of executable code in a specific language. A single block might be written in bash, python, or any other supported language.

A block consists of the block declaration line (indented one tab) followed by the block contents (all of which is intended two levels).

Block declaration. The block declaration line indicates what language is being used. code.sh corresponds to the shell language, code.py corresponds to python. Currently the following languages are supported:

  • Bash - code.sh
  • Python - code.py
  • Gnuplot - code.gpl
  • Awk - code.awk

There is also another special block called export which accepts variable declarations using the same format as the globals section. export blocks can be used to set variables within the scope of this specific task.

Block content. Block content is further indented under the block declaration line. For example:

                ls -1 > contents.txt
                x = 1
                y = 2
                print 'Two numbers: %d %d' % (x,y)

In this example, there are two code blocks. The contents of the code block can contain arbitrary content that adheres to the language of the block.

Execution order. When a task contains more than one block, the blocks are executed in the order in which they are declared in the pipeline file. So in the example above, the shell block would be executed, followed by the python block.

Use of variables. Variables and functions will be discussed in much more detail in Variable and function references. While discussing blocks, however, several points are worth noting.

Before the block content is passed to the appropriate execution system (e.g., the python interpreter), flex variables and functions are first evaluated. All variables and functions begin with a $ character:

# var_test pipeline

                export PATH=~/local/bin:\$PATH
                ls -l $in_dir > $tmp_file
                cut -f1 > $out_fname

In the example above, the shell code block makes use of three flex-defined variables, in_dir, tmp_file, and out_fname. Notice that it also references the shell variable PATH and that, in order to make this reference, a backslash is used to escape the $ character.

Configuring the execution environment. All flex variables are exported into the shell environment in which the execution system will run. For example:


                import mylib

sets the PYTHONPATH variable that the python interpreter will use.

Overloading tasks

Situations can arise in which a pipeline is extending another pipeline, but wants a particular task to do something different. This task overloading is achieved simply by defining the task again in the current pipeline:

extend first_pipeline

                print 'this is the first task'

In this case, we have overloaded first task from earlier to print out a different message.

Variable and function references

As alluded to in earlier sections, variables and functions are important to writing modular, readable, and maintainable pipelines. Here we discuss the guts of how variables, variable references, and function invocations are handled and resolved.


Much like in bash and make, variables and functions are references using $<name> or ${<name>}, where the name is the name of the variable or function. Functions have the additional requirement of parentheses which contain the input arguments: $<fxn_name>(<args>) or ${<fxn_name>}(<args>).

Variable and function names can consist of one or more alphanumeric or underscore characters. The second reference form using curly braces allows the use of variables in places where there is no whitespace: foobar_${iternum}.txt.

Available functions

Executing shell commands

The $(x) command executes command x and evaluates to the standard out produced by the execution. To be valid, the command must produce exactly one line of text.

cmd = gcc
                ls -lh $(which $cmd)

In this example, the which command is run. Notice that flex variables can be used within functions.

Accessing resources in the namespace

The $PLN(x) function will resolve to the absolute path to the resource x within the pipeline namespace. So, if the pipeline namespace is /tmp/foobar, then $PLN(x) = /tmp/foobar_x.

Accessing resources in `other` namespaces. At times it may be necessary for one pipeline to access a resource in another pipeline’s namespace. The $PLN(p,r) function can be used for this purpose. Here the function accepts two arguments. p is the name of the pipeline (which must be mentioned in a use statement) and r is the resource name. For example, in the following code:

use phase1 as p1

p2_task: p1.t1
                head $PLN(p1,foobar.txt)

p2_task will access the file foobar.txt in the namespace of the phase1 pipeline.

Resolution rules

Variable and function references are resolved in two places:

  • The right-hand side of variable assignments
  • Anywhere inside blocks

Consider the following example pipeline:

my_site_packages=$(which python | basedir)/lib/site-packages


                import mylib

In it, a number of flex variables and functions are used. Notably, the reference to $iter_num is resolved to 10 before the python code is called.

Global vs. block scope

Any variables defined in or changed in export blocks do not retain those affects outside of the task in which they appear.